to C3ED |
Deal with assignments such as
"X=...". |
to C405 |
Deal with the command ! (quad-poke) |
to C40D |
Deal with the command ? (poke) |
to C423 |
Executes the cassette operating system
commands starting with *. The routine strips off the *
and copies the remainder of the (5),Y string, up to a
<CR>, into the indirect input buffer at 100. A
subroutine is then called which passes interpretation
over to COS by JSR FFF7 (indirected by (OSCLI)). |
to C433 |
Checks to see if the Floating Point ROM
is in. The lowest two bytes of the FP ROM are a signature
(AA 55), and this routine tests for these values at D000
and D001, then returns with the carry clear if the ROM is
not there. The routine is called from C550, where the
machine is deciding whether to pass a string it can't
understand to the interpreter in the floating point ROM,
or to give up and signal an error. |
to C464 |
The interpreter "Pre-Test"
subroutine whose effect is to take the character pointed
to by 5,Y (where Y=?3) and if this character is
alphabetic it converts it to the number 1 to 26, then
places it at 16,X (where X=?4), then ?4 is incremented.
If the next character is non-alphabetic the carry is
cleared before return (e.g. the command P.), but if the
next character is alphabetic then the carry is set before
return. This routine therefore enables the machine to
rapidly execute abbreviated commands, since it need not
read the entire command. |
to C4DD |
A valuable subroutine to read a decimal
string. It read a string pointed to by (5),Y (where Y=?3)
as ASCII decimal characters, and converts the decimal
numeric value to a binary value, then stores it in the
16,X workspace stack (where X=?4). ?4 is incremented so
the workspace stack can continue. If the first non-space
character is not a number, then BRK is executed. Spoils
A, X and Y registers. |
to C50B |
A subroutine used as the interpreter's
post-test. It checks that (5),Y (where Y=?3) is pointing
at a carriage return or a semi-colon, or spaces leading
thereto. If not, then it executes BRK.
C4F6 consolidates
(5) by (5)=(5)+Y and Y=1
C504 checks
to see if the ESC key is depressed. If not then RTS,
otherwise it jumps to direct mode and executes the escape
code. |
to C546 |
A subroutine which copies a new line
number to 1,2 and checks if the line is labelled. If
there is a label this routine passes the current
text-position pointer at (5),Y to the label store (LSB
38D,X MSB 38E,X). |
to C565 |
Execution of a statement pointed to by
5,Y. It also checks for the Floating Point ROM, and if it
is there this routine jumps indirectly to (D002). If not
then it returns to default handling. C55B is the best
place to return to BASIC after a m/c routine, whether in
direct or program mode |