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F7EC to F81C Subroutines to print the hex value of words (4 bytes), vectors (2 bytes) and single bytes.
On return X is spoiled, but A and Y preserved.
F7EE - print in hex a word in order X+1, X, X+3, X+2.
F7F1 - print in hex a vector (X+1,X)
F7FA - print byte in accumulator plus a space.
F802 - print in hex the byte in the accumulator.
F818 to F84E A subroutine (use by *LOAD, *SAVE etc.), which copies a string enclosed in quotes in the 100 input buffer to the string area starting at 140. Y should point to the beginning of the input string. X,Y, and the accumulator are spoiled.
F86C to F874 Print "NAME", then BRK.
F875 to F87D A subroutine to fetch the next non-space character from the direct mode input buffer at 100,Y. On return, Y points to the character fetched.
F87E to F892 A subroutine which converts the value in the accumulator from a valid ASCII hexadecimal character to its hexadecimal value. If the contents of the accumulator were not a valid hexadecimal character the routine returns with the accumulator unchanged, and the carry flag set. Otherwise, the accumulator contains the true hex value and the carry flag is clear.
F893 to F8BD A subroutine which reads the ASCII hexadecimal value in the direct mode input buffer at 100,Y as a vector (two bytes or 4 characters) to the location pointed to by X on entry to the routine, e.g.:
Y=position of the 1st character in the buffer, lets say it points at the A of A147
After JSR F893, then 80,81 = A147. If the first character in the buffer was invalid, then the zero flag is set on return.
F8BE to F8ED Tables of *COS reserved words and their action addresses.
F8EF to F925 *COS interpreter subroutine called by OSCLI. It looks for a match between a word in the direct mode input buffer at 100,Y and the reserved words starting at F8BE. It jumps to the correct action address if a match is found.
F926 to F92E Default routine for unknown *COS command, which prints "COM" and then ERROR 48.
F955 to F96D Executes the *FLOAD and *LOAD commands.
F955 = *FLOAD, and F958 = *LOAD.
The routine exits via (20C), the LODVEC, which is normally set to F96E.

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