Splitting the Atom back exit forward page 24
FDEC Scroll-screen check, looks to see if the next character would cause a scroll, checks the page mode counter (?E6), and executes a scroll or waits for a keypress.
FE08 - Scroll the screen. Entry at FE0A with Y=40 will scroll all but the top line of the screen. Y-60 leaves the top two lines alone, etc.
FE22 - delete all current line.
FE24 - blank Y+1 characters in current line.
FE26 - fill Y+1 characters from current line onward with the character in the accumulator.
FE35 - Check Next Cursor Position, called by Backspace and Delete to see if the cursor is at the beginning of a line or Home position,
FE52 to FE65 Routine to print a character. This is indirected by (208), called by the OSWRCH at FFF4.
FE52 - Pass character to VIA printer, and execute.
FE55 - Pass character on screen or execute any recognisable control codes. X and Y registers preserved.
FE66 to FE70 A subroutine to synchronise to CRT Field Flyback, used to write on the screen without generating noise. Can be used as a timer.
FE66 - wait until the start of the next field flyback, even if already in flyback.
FE6B - return immediately if already in flyback, else wait until the next flyback. A, X, Y all preserved.
FE71 to FE93 The Keyscan Subroutine called by OSRDCH (see below). Does not examine <CTRL>, <SHIFT>, <RPT> or <BREAK>. It returns with the carry flag set if no key was pressed. If a key was pressed when this routine was called, the carry flag is cleared and the Y register holds the key pressed as its ASCII value minus hex 20.
FE94 to FECA OSRDCH Subroutine. This routine waits for a key to be pressed and then returns with its ASCII value in the accumulator. Cursor and some other control codes are executed BEFORE returning.
FECB to FEFA Data and look-up tables for executing control codes.
FEFB to FF3E A subroutine called by OSWRCH to pass the value of the accumulator to the printer using the VIA. <CTRL> B and C enable or disable this routine respectively.
FF10 - waits for handshake signal (see chapter 7).
FF3F to FF99 RESET - the machine comes here after hitting <BREAK> or at switch-on, by picking up the reset address at FFFC (common to all 6502 microprocessors).
FF3F - initialise page 2 vectors (204 and up)
FF4A - set stack pointer to FF.
FF53 - set all array pointers to FFFF.
FF69 - print message 'ACORN ATOM'.
FF7C - test for RAM at 2900, and set text pointer to default values if appropriate.
FF9A to FFB1 Data used by the RESET routine to initialise page two vectors.

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